There is Reiki (Universal Energy) and Reiki Healing System (Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki). And on our Reiki 1 Attunement Course you will learn and practice both. More importantly, you will learn more about yourself, your spiritual gifts, and your way of working with Energy. As well as the true history of Reiki Ryoho and the truth about it’s founder Mikao Usui. Also, you will not miss out on the original practices that were lost in many Reiki Lineages.
Reiki 1st Degree is the foundation for our Personal – Spiritual – Conscioussness development, Self-Healing and professional practice. So that you could do the Reiki Treatment and be able to build and cultivate energy. We will show you how to treat yourself, as well as other people. Furthermore, you will learn to develop true confidence in your abilities. More importantly you will learn to see the bigger picture of the current Aquarian Consciousness and what our Aquarian Community can do for you.
You will receive 4 Reiju Empowerments – high vibrational Attunements (Initiations). They raise our personal energy, reopen our subtle energy pathways and activate the flow of Reiki in us. And for many people it feels like coming home.
WHAT OUR REIKI 1 Attunement Course Students say
The Reiki Initiation has ignited within me passion to truly embrace myself and all that I am. To nurture Self-Love, Compassion and empathy for myself and others. And to celebrate and nurture and accept the healer that I have discovered within. To say that I am grateful, overflowing with gratitude for all that I have learned just isn’t enough. Thank you Katarzyna with all that I am, Lauren.
Reiki 1 vs. Reiki 2 Attunement Course
Do you really need to be initiated to Reiki 2, to be able to practice on other people, not just friends and family? Well, the simple answer is, that nobody should stop you from using your Energy in your professional practice. However, there are a few reasons why and with what purpose this rule was introduced. And we explain it all in detail on our Reiki 1 Attunement Course.
If you already practice any Crystal Healing or Plant Healing modalities, we will support you in finding ways and benefits to blend Reiki into those. And if you have been attuned to Reiki before, you can join to bring your vibration higher and update your theoretical knowledge. Or you feel “something is missing” in the way you were initiated, this Reiki Initiation course might be just what you’re innerly looking for. Because in Spirit we all just want to grow, develop and progress. And the natural progress is always with Time. So learning Reiki in the context of the Age of Aquarius is inevitable, to be fully present and aware here and now.
If you choose to progress to the Reiki Master level, we will support your Journey and help you truly master Reiki, Yourself and living your purpose. In fact, we are all Masters already, we just need some help to shed the layers of old Consciousness, understand what happened to us, and then freely tune into our true selves. Because the current Energy and Vibration, following the huge Energy Blast back in 2022, has made it possible for us, to achieve it very quickly.
Reiki 1 Attunement Course offers: 4 x Reiju Empowerment, Introduction Reiki Energy, Subtle human Energy Fields and Systems, Usui Shiki Ryoho Legend and History. Giving and receiving a Reiki Treatment – both seated and lay down, Self-Healing Practice. Western and Japanese Meditation, Universal Chakra systems, Esoteric Guidance and Intuitive work, Energy of Thoughts and Intention. Grounding, Cleansing – Level 1, Protection – Level 1, Reiki Principles and Mindfulness, Energy Exchange and professional practice, Level 1 Diploma
Course includes a comprehensive training manual & Level 1 diploma.
Reiki 1 Attunement Course takes approx. 12 hours to complete over 2 days or more
“Something very interesting happened today. Earlier I went for a walk around the neighbourhood, immediately turned out of the house and there was a cat looking right at me! After about 20-25 I took a little break, sat down a while where there was another sitting directly opposite me.
I sent it positive Reiki energy this white / ginger cat continued just looking at me and purring. I intentionally kept my vibration up some of the techniques we have been doing, then got feeling I should look to the left. There was another cat at the driveway, then another cat in the window of next house, surrounded by cats all staring at me!
After a while I waved them ‘bye bye’ and walked a bit more before stopping another of my favourite places to sit. Guess what, another cat looking right at my as well as a dog the window of a neighbouring house! Never had this happen before, I guess they were drawn to something in me! Matthew, Reiki 1 Practitioner