“… so many people out there doing such great work that we can tap into add to our healing process. Especially interesting is the body / mind connection discussed in one of today’s seminars on somatic presentation of trauma in long covid which I can relate to.

The high sensitivity to stimulus and overactive nervous system which I can say Reiki has particularly helped  me with.” Matthew

My wishes: Keep Motivated, Keep Integrating, Keep Self-Mastering, Keep Loving, Keep being Thankful, Keep being on the path to being the best version of Self…and inspire others to do the same. Thank you with all my heart Katarzyna. Love, Sophia

Reiki 2 Attunement Course is a whole new level of energy experience and practice. Here we learn to do the Distant Reiki Treatment, deeper Self-Healing and further Self-Inquiry. It is here, that we enter the layer of interconnectedness of all things (healing beyond Time and Space).  To put it differently, we learn the Law of Cause and Effect, and a sense of Oneness. With this in mind, you will enhance your practice, ability and treatments of others, as well as deepen your connection with Reiki.

Course in Creation Reiki 2 Attunement

The Reiju Empowerments – high vibrational Attunements (Initiations) – will  raise your personal energy higher. And also they will activate the Sacred Reiki Symbols in your energy field and strengthen the flow of Reiki through you. After the Activation, the Reiki Symbols stay with us for life. And we can use them in our daily life as well as during Reiki treatment both on a distance and in person. It might feel like a new way of living and being.

If  you have been attuned to Reiki before and you’d like to bring your vibration higher or you feel “something is missing” in the way you were initiated, this Reiki Initiation course might be just what you’re innerly looking for.   


Reiki 2 Attunement Course offers: 2 Attunements, Reiki Symbols, Distant Treatment, Hands-on Treatment – Level 2, Self-Healing Practice, Meditation, Sound Energy. Different ways of working with Energy on a distance, Body Scan, Universal and Earth Energy, Power of the Mind, Reiki and Crystals, Geometric resonance, Esoteric Guidance, Grounding, Cleansing – Level 2, Protection – Level 2, Reiki Principles and Shinto, Energy Exchange and professional practice, Level 2 Diploma

 Course includes a comprehensive training manual & Level 2 diploma.

Face-to-face Reiki 2 Attunement Course is a 2 day course, approx 6 hours per day.

You might be interested in additional Activation to strengthen your Energy.

You might also be interested in Plant Healing, DNA Coaching or Crystal Healing Training.

Or visit: Reiki Master Course

© 2023 Katarzyna M Jablonska. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.