Why would you choose to work with me?

My lived experience and Self-Healing journey

A deep, Piscean empathy and compassion I carry within

The letters of my name, my date of birth related to the Universal Time Count, as well as the Mayan Calendar, all show 11, 22, 13 Keys/Master Numbers. They stand for a clear Vision gift and Action for the World, to enable Awakening, Wisdom and Enlightenment. 

Namaste, welcome!


I’ve spent 5.5 years in a spiritual cult. It was a way for me to witness first-hand spiritual illusions on a personal and global scale.

I have used that time to develop my spiritual skills and learn as much as I could. I have noticed, that my Power of the Mind became very strong, very quickly, and it has helped many people during Healing sessions. Unfortunately the philosophy that was given to me from the cult leader was biased and self-contradicting. It took me years to trace the Why and the How, and to bring to light the illusions, phantasies and deception.

When my time came to move on, I was told that I would die within 10 years and a lot of people would die, if I leave that cult. It became clear to me that this was my Initiation to Fear.

The Universe was creating situations and opportunities for me at that time, that were conflicting with the guidance from the cult leader. I quickly activated my Heart and Intuition to be able to see and act upon the Truth. It was like reading Guidance in a Language that only I knew.

Then I had to detox and heal from all brainwash and all the emotional, mental and spiritual abuse.

Healing all this trauma brought up my childhood trauma too, so I had a lot to process.

This is how I developed my method of Energy Work, that makes You Heal Yourself through a direct or digital contact with me. As we all face illusions, trauma  and repetitive problems in our lives, what I did for myself, I share with the world.

That’s how Course in Creation came into being.

Can you already feel a Calling to live your life on your own terms? Or are you still in-between the “old” and the “new”? Feeling stuck is the worst. How much do you need, to finally  “let go”? Awakening can be painful, especially when a deep understanding and awareness are missing. So letting go of all the things and people, we think we want, takes time and practice. However, the expansion of Consciousness, the way I facilitate it, combined with raised vibration through Thought-Feeling-Emotion Coherence, has worked miracles. 

Awakening to our Highest Potential and Purpose is what we all want and need, but only some of us continue. Because in the multitude of practitioners and guides, it may be not easy to find someone, with a true clear Vision gift and a lived experience of a real Awakening to the Truth. Also, there are many ways to do it – some can take a lifetime! And how quickly would you like to awaken? 

 Course in Creation is a lifebuoy and a roadmap, guiding to the Highest Potential and Purpose, quickly yet gently. And all the Healing modalities, Awakening tools and strategies here are evidence- and experience-based. What is more, out of the same experience, I chose to drop the confusing philosophies, that come from the old Age of Pisces. Because we live in a very different Consciousness flavour now. And we need Healing that will indeed facilitate a real Change, Awakening and Wisdom.

So if we practice Reiki, we need to be transparent about what it really is and how it works. And the same goes for Crystal or Plant Healing. Because the forthcoming Age of Aquarius calls for that transparency and Truth, even if it forces us to change our perception. The Wisdom of Aquarius comes from being able to handle the Truth, however painful it may seem. 

I founded Course in Creation in the UK and since then have been teaching and performing Energy Healing internationally, and founded a healing centre in Midi-Pyrenees in France. I hold qualifications in Reiki, Quantum Touch, Bio Energy Healing, Pranic Healing, Egyptian Sekhem and Essenian Healing. 

KATarzyna M Jablonska

KATarzyna M Jablonska

Artist, Certified Mental Health First Aider, Intuitive Energy Healer, Reiki  Master/Teacher, Spiritual / Life Coach,  Clore Social Leadership Fellow, Carrier of Master Numbers 11, 22, 13.


Derbyshire, High Peak, UK

© 2023 Katarzyna M Jablonska. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.