Pisces-Aquarius Age Transition

Embracing Healing, Allowing Truth, Cultivating Wisdom

You have a unique vibrational signature, which when in tune, means you’re well, healthy, happy and fulfilled. When you’re out of tune, your physical health is affected, you feel differently and you no longer think and act as the “normal” you. And what’s going on in your life, can make you feel even worse.

I’ve been there, came out the other side, and now I have a non-invasive “formula” for you to try.

Through my work I bring about Healing for the Heart, Mind, Body and Soul in the emerging paradigm bridging Science, Humanity and Wisdom (Pisces-Aquarius).

My unique combination of ancient Healing formula of Thought, Feeling and Emotion Coherence (the three pillars: Faith, Hope and Love), together with expansion of Consciousness, has proven to be effective and to bring a positive shift.

To fulfil my Soul’s Purpose, I strive to help create the best world possible now, in the Age of Pisces, when so many of us are already feeling and embodying the Spirit of the forthcoming Age of Aquarius. And while the others are still stuck in the old Age of Aries, marked by strive for power, control and authoritarianism.

Welcome to the portal of the new human story on Earth. Here all Healing and Education start with Ourselves. Because without embodying our words, our actions will not go together with what we say and think. And I can guide you towards integrity and purity of expressing your highest, true Potential by showing you what’s really beneath the surface.

Facing yourself is the main, most important Mission, you were born to accomplish. And I can show you in a number of ways, what that means and how to do that. Through my experience and Vision, you can see the Truth about your past, present and future, and your ultimate Potential and Purpose. It has been with you your whole life, it’s in your name, your date of birth, your family, friends, failures, and in your dreams and values. And it is the Purity of the Guidance that determines if or how quickly you can get to know it all.

If religions and philosophies (Piscean Consciousness) have not helped enough, time to open up to new possibilities (Aquarian Consciousness).

Here we go fast, deep and always with Time. Your feeling, crosschecking the facts, seeking confirmation in a number of ways, are often the key to eliminate illusions and healing phantasies.

The Healing and Wisdom, that we manifest within ourselves, can be the best possible catalyst for Change and Enlightenment. 


Kat x

© 2024 Katarzyna M Jablonska. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.