3 Lessons from A Spiritual Cult
If you are just about to embark on your Spiritual Journey, or you are already testing the uncharted waters, these 3 lessons from spiritual cult can save you a lot of time.
I can now see how valuable those years were, that I have spent on my spiritual development under the guidance of an older lady, who claimed to have, together with her partner, the highest vibration of all people on Earth. When you hear someone making claims like that about their vibration, run. Part of me wanted to run, on some level I knew it was bollocks, and dangerous, but the curious part of me said “wait, let’s see what happens”. *
At this point I need to mention, that I was raised mainly by my mother, who never approved of the real me, with my own style and life-choices. If you have been in similar situation, you know what it feels like. I made it my mission to learn the deep patterns in the human psyche, and to find the link with the spiritual aspect. All that to guide myself and people who come to me, towards permanent inner freedom. Hence the Awakening Coaching and reframed Reiki. Because it’s a waste of time to practice healing techniques, that work just a little, or not at all. Or to practice something that has a great potential, but the concepts it’s attached to, are simply nonsense. And no amount of self-deception is enough when it comes to Pure Complete Healing, that is just not happening.
Lesson 1 from spiritual cult: Look, listen, feel and learn
So, there is a number of things that are important to remember and practice, when it comes to our Awakening Journey. One of the things I should have done more myself, continuously, was to notice, analyse, and research. Many times what I saw contradicted with the meaning of it, as I was taught to think. And I made a big mistake buying into the philosophy, just because the practice was bringing positive results and life-changing healing. Now I know it’s a skill, developed over time, but also a gift and an ability I was born with, to see the core patterns and beliefs in people’s motivations. Now I use it every day, but back then, in the cult, it felt too scary, too dangerous to use it. Until it wasn’t, but that’s for another blog post.
Observe, don’t judge – 2nd lesson from spiritual cult
To be objective, non-biased about what you see, and not to judge, is probably the most challenging of all, but absolutely crucial, to cut through the b**it, right to the Truth. The judgment, the guilt, the fear and the shame have been the enemies for many of my students and clients, also also for me. Judging, is what we often do, right after we notice something. It stops us from further analysis and directs our research (if we do any research at that point) completely off track. And despite all the advice and guidance form the spiritual “experts” online, to just “live from the heart, because the heart does not judge”… I found it was not possible for me. I had to uncover the deep subconscious motivators for judging, and see them for what they were (that is the quantum leap moment). And then I had to SOLIDIFY my new Consciousness, to make this change permanent. That moment of solidifying is my favourite! It’s a very short, strong yet gentle stream of Energy that I learned to generate. It works wonders! I use it with crystals.
See the bigger picture
And finally, I’d say that placing your observations and experience in a larger context is inevitable to get to the Truth of the matter. Because as long as you see something as an isolated incident, you are missing a perspective. Or a few. Like looking at my experiences from a human point of view, or from a point of view of a woman. Or someone who has been abused. It could have changed my decision making long time ago. Also, placing my spiritual cult teacher in the context of her experiences, beliefs and relationships, earlier than I did. It could have saved me a couple of years of abuse and confusion.
However, nothing is lost, and I have enjoyed every moment of my life since I left the cult (and that was really something!). It helped me develop experienced based energy healing techniques. Because it can be a nightmare, when one blind mouse is leading another one. And this is so common today, when everyone wants to be a teacher or a coach straight away. It is an Aquarian trait. So then I am really grateful for this tough school of life, that has become a basis for Healing and Awakening of myself and others.
* This is an excerpt from a book – to read the whole story, you can pre-order a signed hard-copy. Release date 14th March 2025.